Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Anna Embree is a professor at the university of Alabama for the MFA Book Arts Program in the School of Library and Information Studies. Professor Embree has been teaching bookbinding and letterpress printing courses at The University of Alabama since in the fall of 2004. Her prior experience was teaching book arts courses for The University of Iowa. Professor Embree teaches courses and workshops in bookbinding, box making, and special topics in book preservation and book history. She also has strong interest in physical and material aspects of book structures. While she also has collaborated with printers and papermakers on limited edition handmade books, and has exhibited widely. I saw her work at the Long Beach Museum of Art.
Professor Embrees work was about 2 inches wide but 4inches wide if I had to take a guess. She mainly used black, red, and green, but used blue in one of the prints. Letterpress printed cards on Stonehenge paper and a letterpress printed French paper wrapper, was composed by letterpress. Her work seems to have a darkish theme to it, kind of in an evil sense but not too evil. I see a hand with mouth in the palm area with a fork behind it. A tree with rootish vibes and a pac man looking charter right next to it. A boot with roots growing into the ground vining as shoe laces with a leaf at the end. An alchemist with a yoyo and a ruler as a body with a head throwing up a ruler at the bottom.
Her work inspired me to try to keep my work to a few layers with a few colors. Her worked made me feel a cool darkish vibe. We didn’t explore letter press in class but I thought it looks pretty cool kind of reminds me of using rubylith or matte dura-lar.

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