Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Andy Warhol: Big Electric Chair

The place that I visited for this assignment was the Broad. First, before I begin to speak about the assignment, I just want to say that this place itself was an amazing piece of architecture. This place was incredible and will most likely visit it again in the future.
Now lets talk a little bit about Andy Warhol. Warhol born as Andrew Warhola on August 6, 1928  =and passed away on February 22, 1987. He is known for many of his artwork, but mostly for his pop work. Mr.Warhol began exhibiting his art in the 1950's in New York and not until 1962 when he debuted his art in California. There he showed his pop art like his famous Campbell's Soup Cans and the portrait of Monroe. Warhol, unfortunately, passed away after an ordinary gallbladder recovery went horrid as he went into cardiac arrythmia.
The piece I will specifically will be talking about is his the "Big Electric Chair." What attracted me to this piece was the fact of how controversial electric chairs are and well the colors that are on this. I like how ominous this looks. Well this series of art began in 1962, which is of silkscreened paintings of death and disasters.

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